• 单词发音:英 [ ɡet aʊt ɒv ] 美 [ ɡet aʊt əv ]
  • 基本解释:摆脱;逃避
  • get out of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 及物动词(vt.) 摆脱
  • 及物动词(vt.) 逃避

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  • Well,none of us get out of here alive.
  • It's easier to get into debt get out of it again!
  • They were able to get out of the army by psyching out.
  • Players will be able to get out of the way of this attack.
  • Get out of the airplane, it turns out you're trekking in Nepal.
  • The other is fear of not being able to get out of one's predicament.
  • Fine! Then I'll tell you what to do. Turn off the TV, get dressed, and get out of this apartment.
    好吧,我来告诉你怎么做,关上电视 收拾一下,走出这间公寓。
  • But I think that Eileen expresses best what we really get out of this, which is the actual joy of collaboration.
    我想爱琳说出了 我们的想法 我们享受这样的合作
  • In turn, how we do at work is vitally affected by the kind of education we get and most especially what we get out of our education.
    因为习惯, 我们常常忽视了细节给他人的感受。
  • In insurance, alleged be or get out of danger, it is to point to produced insurance accident, it is the necessary premise of manage compensate.
    保险中, 所谓出险, 是指发生了保险事故, 它是理赔的必要前提。




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