由 silent 组成的全部英语短语

  • Multimode Silent Digital多模静音数字
  • silent on沉默着
  • silent way默示教学法(教师少讲,借助于动作、图画和木棒教授外语)
  • Silent Hilla video game series developed by Konami(a japanese game software/hardware company) it's emphasis on more cerebral horror has fri;with its disturbing images and freeky enemies. you;Most mentally/physically/emotionally disturbing psychological horror game series ever. Designed to exploit basic inner fears of;potentially giving major long-lasting nightmares. Definitely not for those weak of mind nor children;[电影]寂静岭/鬼魅山房
  • Silent film默片,无声片;无声电影
  • silent area[医] 静区(脑)



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