包含 dps 的所有单词列表

dpsdisintegrationsperse.. CDPS[医][=common duct pigment stones]胆总管色素结石 DPSADataProcessingSuppli.. DPSBDefense Production Supply Board (NATO) 国防部产品供应委员会(北大西洋公约组织) DPSCDefensePersonnelSupp.. DPSK差分移相键控 DPSO[医][=diphenyl sulphoxide]二苯亚砜 DPSR Data Processing Service Request; Daily Pers... DPSSData Processing Subsystem 数据处理分系统 DPSTDouble-Pole Single Throw 双刀单掷(开关) DPsy[医][=Doctor of Psychology]心理学博士 DPSCSDepartment of Public Safety and Correctional Services (Maryland) 公共安全与劳教部(马里兰州) DPSCPAC Data Processing Service Center Pacific Fleet... UDPSUtah Department of Public Safety 犹他公共安全部 xdpsX-band diode phase shifter X波段二极管移相器 dPS洋地黄皂甙可沉淀的甾醇 DPSDataProcessingStatio.. DPsdoublepotentials双电位;.. dPsdisplaced Palestinians 失去家园的巴勒斯坦人 XDPSX-band diode phase shifter X波段二极管移相器 CDPscadmium-inducedprote.. dpskdifferential phase shift keying 差分移相键控 DPSsdried plasma spots 干血浆斑 dpstdeposit 堆积物,沉淀物,存款



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