包含 fbi 的所有单词列表

fbiforeign-bornIrish国外出.. puffbird喷鴷科鸟;喷䴕 surfbirdn.千鸟属的一种海鸟 FBIA Fellow of the Bankers' Institute of Australasia... FBIMFellow of the British Institute of Management 英国企业管理学会会员 FBISForeign Broadcasting Information Service <美>对外广播新闻处 FBIRAFederal Bureau of Investigation Recreation Association 联邦娱乐调查协会 FBIREFellow of the British Institution of Radio Engineers 大不列颠无线电工程师协会成员 Puffbirds扑鸟 WFBIWood Fiber Blanket Institute 木纤维毯学会 SFSAFBISociety of Former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 前联邦调查局的特工会 Puffbird喷列 Surfbird滨浪鹬 FBIsForgotten Boys of Iceland (American armed forces personnel stationed in Iceland) “冰岛弃儿”(驻扎在冰岛的美国武装人员)



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