包含 CGs 的所有单词列表

cgsCoreGraphicsSystem,核.. CGSACarriageofGoodsbySea.. CGSBCanadian Government Specifications Board 加拿大政府规范局 CGSC中国大地测量星表 CGSMcentimeter-gram-seco.. CGSP Conventional Geometry Smart Projectile; Co... CGSScryogenic gas storage system 低温气体贮存系统 CGSTCaribbeanGraduateSch.. cgse[计]= Centimeter-Gram-Second Electrostatic system,厘米-克-秒静电制,绝对静电单位制 CGSACCommanding General, Strategic Air Command 战略空军将级指挥官 CGSSCColumbia Gas Service Corporation 哥伦比亚煤气服务公司 CGSTCCentro Giovanile Scambi Turistici e Culturali (Italian=Youth Center for Tourism and Culture) (意大利语)观光与文化青年中心 CGSUSCouncil of Graduate Schools in the United States 美国毕业学校委员会 cgsfuceramic glazed structural facing units 陶瓷光滑结构饰面设备 cgsubceramic glazed structural unit base 陶瓷光滑结构基本设备 MCGSMicrowave Command Guidance System 微波指令制导系统 CCGSCanadianCoastGuardSe.. DCGSDeputyChiefoftheGene.. NZCGSNew Zealand Standard Classification of All Goods and Services 新西兰各类商品及服务处分类标准 UCGSMUniversity of California Graduate School of Ma... CGscardiacglycosides强心苷.. CGSCore Graphics System 核心图形系统 cgsmcentimeter-gram-second electro-magnetic system 厘米·克·秒电磁单位制 CCGsCountry Commercial Guidelines 国家商务指南



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