包含 MMP 的所有单词列表

mmpiMinnesotaMultiphasic.. AMMPacetylatedmethylmann.. MMPMotor Moint Pump 电动泵 AMMPEAmericanMining;Metal.. DMMP[医][=dimethyl methyl phosphonate]甲基膦酸二甲酯 FMMPForce Modernization Master Plan; Federal Ma... MMPAMarineMammalProtecti.. MMPCmaritimemobilephonec.. mmpp[医][=millimeter of mercury partial pressure]毫米汞柱分压 MMPDCmaritime mobile phone distress and calling 海上移动遇险和呼叫电话 MMPNC[医][=Medical Material Program for Nuclear Casualties]核伤亡卫生物资计划 PMMP[计]= Preventive Maintenance Management Program,预防性维修管理程序 RMMPRoyal Mounted Military Police; Reliability... MMPPmagnesiummonoperoxyp.. mmpmatrixmetalloproteas..



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