包含 SRS 的所有单词列表

srssafetyrestraintsyste.. ESRS电子自旋共振谱[学] HRSRSHartbeestehoek Radio Space Research Station 羚羊谷无线空间研究站 MSRSMedicalSocioeconomic.. NBSRSNarodna Biblioteka Socijalisticke Republike Srbije (Serbo-Croatian=National Library of the Socialist Republic of Serbia) (克罗地亚语) NYSASSRSNew York State Association of Service Stations and Repair Shops 纽约州服务站和修理铺协会 SRSA[医][=slowly reacting substance of anaphylaxis]过敏的迟缓反应物质 SRSCSul Ross State College 素罗斯州立大学 SRSMSerenissima Repubblica di San Marino (Italian=Most Serene Republic of San Marino) (意大利语)圣马力诺最宁静的共和政体(圣马力诺的官方名字) SRSSsolarradiationsimula.. SRS-A过敏性慢反应物质 SRSNYSons of the Revolution in the State of New York 纽约州革命之子 Srstka斯尔斯特卡 SSRSSocietyforSocialResp.. twsrstrack-while-scan radar simulator 跟踪同时扫描雷达模拟器 USRSUnitedStatesRevisedS.. AFSRSAustralian Flying Saucer Research Society 澳大利亚飞碟研究学会 CSRScoherentStokes-Raman.. NSRS国家统计局 PCSRS个人电脑 RSRSRadio and Space Research Station <英>无线电和宇宙空间研究站 VTSRS[医][=Verdun Target Symptom Rating Scale]凡尔登靶症状等级标准 CSISRSCross-Section Information Storage and Retrieval System (AEC) 交叉节信息存储与恢复系统 SRsSocialistRevolutiona.. SRSSocietatisRegiaeSoci.. ESRsestrogen-sterilizedr.. TWSRStrack-while-scan radar simulator 扫描跟踪雷达模拟器 SSRsSafeSecureRailcars安全.. MSRsMarketing Service Representatives 销售事务代理人



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