• 单词发音:英 [ dʌz ] 美 [ dʌz ]
  • 基本解释:v.做,有用,工作 conj.是,做,要
  • does 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 连接词(conj.) 做,有用,工作
  • 动词(v.) 做( do的第三人称单数 )
  • 动词(v.)
  • 动词(v.) 学习
  • 动词(v.) 研究
  • 名词(n.) 雌鹿(或雌兔、雌羚羊等)( doe的名词复数 )
  • does 大小写变形: DOEsDOES


  • DOEs diffractive optical elements 衍射光学元素
  • DOES digital optoelectronic switch 数字光电子开关
  • doest <古>do的第二人称单数现在式
  • Doese 多塞
  • doeskin 母鹿皮,一种类似母鹿皮细软白织品
  • doesnot 不,没有
  • Beddoes [人名] [威尔士人姓氏] 贝多斯取自父名,来源于Beddoe,含义是“贝多之子”(son of Beddoe)
  • doesn't 表示否定
  • Aldoescu 阿尔多埃斯库


does 相关例句更多>

  • Does it look normal? Does it look abnormal?
  • Does now, but does not permit package access.
    一样, 但是不应允许包级别的访问。
  • So does cocaine, so does a high fat diet, so does emotional stress.
  • Soul does not shame, nor does soul belittle, nor does it damage anothers field.
  • How much acreage does the restaurant or rummery How many people does it can hold
  • Why does a School of Mines teach Accountancy and how does it fit into the institution?
  • Anybody cannot go beyond the law and the system, does not embezzle, does not steal, does not putrefy.
    任何人不能超越法律与制度, 不贪污, 不盗窃, 不腐化。
  • Does the artifice smash does sexual fracture need to perform an operation What does food need to notice.
  • Simplicity does not mean want or poverty.It does not mean the absence of any decor , or absolute nudity.
  • Be pregnant a many month does not want the child, how is abort good? Does medicaments still go to a hospital stream of people?
    怀孕一个多月不想要孩子, 怎么打胎好?药物还是去医院人流?




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