• 单词发音:英 [ məust hevəli: ] 美 [ most hɛvəli ]
  • 基本解释:严重地,大量地( heavily的最高级 );沉重地,沉闷地;猛烈地
  • most heavily 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 形容词(adj.) 严重地,大量地( heavily的最高级 )
  • 形容词(adj.) 沉重地,沉闷地
  • 形容词(adj.) 猛烈地

most heavily 相关例句更多>

  • Tensions are rising again on the world's most heavily armed border.
  • However, the most heavily promoted aspect of her attempted comeback is television.
    然而, 对于她的试图复出, 推广方面最有力度的是电视。
  • We were permitted out of the heavily cordoned secure unit we're kept in for most of the week.
  • As with most financial products, credit cards are usually heavily promoted on their interest rate, or APR.
    由于大多数的金融产品, 通常信用卡利率大幅提升, 他们或电。
  • Significant steps have also been taken to reduce the burden of debt on the most heavily indebted poor countries.




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