• 基本解释:憎恨( hate的过去式和过去分词 );讨厌;不愿;为…感到抱歉
  • hated 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 憎恨( hate的过去式和过去分词 )
  • 动词(v.) 讨厌
  • 动词(v.) 不愿
  • 动词(v.) 为…感到抱歉

hated 相关例句更多>

  • Elton hated the whole system of afternoon tea.
  • He hated the lust but admired the divine in men.
  • She hated dinginess as much as her mother had hated it.
  • One might have said that he hated in advance of himself.
    我们可以说, 他无往而不恨。
  • She hated Archie as much as he hated her and they barely spoke.
    她恨阿尔奇就像阿尔奇恨她一样, 两个人在一起几乎不说话。
  • I always hated strapless bras, I always hated feminine clothing period.
  • I hated with every fibre of my being. I hated every American I've ever known.
    我恨一切, 恨我所认识的一切美国人。
  • Talented man steals a heart, the woman is to be hated again to him love again.
  • He evidently hated maths at school, so its amazing he became an accountant!
  • He hated Ellen OHara above anyone else, for she was the epitome of all that he hated in Southerners.
    他最恨爱伦奥哈拉, 因为她是他所恨的那些南方人的典型。




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