• 基本解释:工人阶级( working class的名词复数 )
  • working classes 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 工人阶级( working class的名词复数 )

working classes 相关例句更多>

  • At that time education was denied to the working classes.
    那时, 劳动人民不能受教育。
  • Poverty was an attribute of the working classes in England
    在英国, 贫穷是工人阶级的代名词。
  • Working classes migrant, do you feel discriminated in Canada
  • However, the working class have been divided into some social classes.
    然而, 工人阶级内部已分化为若干个社会阶层。
  • Bourgeois beliefs generally do not benefit the lower and working classes.
  • The exploiting classes fattening on the sweat and blood of the working people
  • He took almost a year attending language classes and working part time to prepare.
    于是, 他花了快1年的时间学习语言课程, 并靠兼职攒钱。
  • A socialist element infiltrates Howson's painting, which tends to focus on the struggles of the working classes, depicted as a defiant proletariat.




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