• 单词发音:英 [ kept ] 美 [ kept ]
  • 基本解释:[电影]情色杀机
  • Kept 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [电影]情色杀机
  • Kept 大小写变形: kept


Kept 相关例句更多>

  • The team kept fighting and the fans kept cheering.
  • I kept licking my lips, but fear kept them deadly dry.
    我不断舐嘴唇, 可是心中恐惧, 嘴唇干得要命。
  • He kept pulling in the chain though the boat kept sinking.
  • Such infections can be kept at bay if a wound is kept clean.
    如果伤口保持清洁, 这种感染可以被遏止住。
  • But the media kept on asking and the people kept on doubting.
    媒体却依然反复询问, 民众仍旧心生疑虑。
  • Accounting books are required to be kept by this law but have not been kept.
  • His head kept nodding and his eyes kept closing, but now he dared not sleep.
  • During the evening party, he kept cracking gags which kept everyone laughing.
    晚会上他不停地插科打诨, 使大家笑声不断。
  • So we kept on going, and this camel kept on trying to take a chunk out of my leg.
    我们继续前行, 这骆驼也继续努力试图去掉我腿上的肉。
  • Mr. Crossett thus kept a record Crossett thus kept a record of all his old students.




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