• 基本解释:让( let的第三人称单数 );出租(房屋、房间等);允许(去某处);(提出请求或布置任务时说)要
  • lets 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 让( let的第三人称单数 )
  • 动词(v.) 出租(房屋、房间等)
  • 动词(v.) 允许(去某处)
  • 动词(v.) (提出请求或布置任务时说)要
  • lets 大小写变形: LETSLETs


  • LETS [计]= Law Enforcement Teletype System,法律实施电传打字机系统
  • LETs linear energy transfers 线性能量转移
  • inlets 水湾( inlet的名词复数 )
  • islets 小岛( islet的名词复数 )
  • rootlets 根丝,支根
  • droplets 小滴( droplet的名词复数 )
  • pantalets 裤管褶边,女式灯笼裤
  • septuplets 七胎
  • quintuplets 五个一组,五件一套( quintuplet的名词复数 )

lets 相关例句更多>

  • Lets go. Lets go on a rainy day.
    走吧, 走吧, 让我们在雨天去上学。
  • Being able to pay off debt lets you do this.
  • Lets read the text aloud. Lets read in chorus.
  • However, destiny lets you choose Hubei, lets you expect in Huangshi.
  • Lets the Client use the abstract product for object handling while the
  • Let oneself bustle about, lets oneself forget that, lets oneself numbly.
    让自己忙碌, 让自己忘记, 让自己麻木。
  • And it lets you know that Aardvark will find the right person to answer it.
  • Sea US lets the person daydream, lets the human be infatuated with forgets to return.
  • And it lets us produce things of much more complexity than normal engineering lets us produce.
    它能让我们生产出 比普通工程能生产的更复杂的东西。
  • In the abundant harvest season of fall, lets us acclaim the fall persimmon together the delightful taste!
    在丰收的秋之季节中, 让我们一同来赞叹秋柿的甜美滋味!




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