• 单词发音:英 [ səʊ ðæt ] 美 [ soʊ ðæt ]
  • 基本解释:以便;因此
  • so that 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 以便
  • 因此

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  • So much so that to such an extent that
  • So that? I have read it so many times that I can recite it now.
  • Drunk, so that specific dream was real, so that reality and fantasy ethereal.
    醉, 让梦具体得真实, 让现实又虚幻的飘渺。
  • So that's the energy that is needed to heat up a bath and enjoy that pleasure.
  • That does not mean that Buddha finally find a way so that we don't have to die.
    这并不是说, 佛陀找到了一种方法, 所以我们不会死亡。
  • So much so many dressed in uniform, equipped with lumbar samurai sword so that surprised me.
  • So much that I even thought of sending you a telegram, just so that Id be able to deliver it here.
  • so you could make a picnic sheet that wraps around the table, so that way on a windy day it wouldn't blow away.
  • And so you can actually sort of almost double your boat speed with systems like that. So that's sort of another interesting aspect of the future.
    并且还能给船的速度加倍 这会是未来很有趣的一种应用
  • That will make four or five months, and by that time the political situation will be relatively calm, so that will be an opportune moment for me to retire.
    有了四五个月, 政治局面就比较平静了, 这是个时机。




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