• 单词发音:英 [ bɪˈkɒz əv ] 美 [ bɪˈkɔːz əv ]
  • 基本解释:因为,由于;基于
  • because of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 因为,由于
  • 基于
  • because of 词态变化: word_conn: because

because of 相关例句更多>

  • Don't because of beautiful and envy, not because of beautiful and angry.
    不要因为人家的美丽而嫉妒, 不要因为人家的美丽而气恼。
  • Fools because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted.
  • This world because of sincerity but amiability, because of having a love just complete.
    这个世界因真诚而可爱, 因为有爱才完整。
  • Because of a wavelength of laser is only absorbed by the corresponding colors of pigment.
  • Not because of anything else, but because the dream is so beautiful, abandon the sake of not give.
  • And the accuracy of the solution can be improved because of the invariability of the individual space.
  • It indicates that because of the spread of this proverb that the direction of relevant academic research is misled.
    指出由于这句谚语的泛滥, 误导了相关学术研究的方向。
  • Because of its quartz accuracy and good durability, this kind of watch stands first on the list of many competitors.
  • A patent right can be pledged repeatedly because of its accordance with the economic thought of making full use of everything.
  • The author of this article has drawn the following conclusions The concept of aesthetic object is an earmark of such criticism because of the object ideas of the selectors.

because of的近反义词




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