• 单词发音:英 [ maɪˈself ] 美 [ maɪˈself ]
  • 基本解释: ;pron.我自己,我亲自,我本人
  • myself 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 代名词(pron.) 我自己,亲自

myself 相关例句更多>

  • I celebrate myself, and sing myself.
  • Throw myself face down on the bed and cry myself to sleep.
    我扑倒在床上, 一直哭到睡着。
  • Why do I do myself the injustice of calling myself a girl ?
  • Once I abandon myself to web and TV, and I was abased myself.
  • I thought myself in a dream, and could scarcely believe myself out of danger.
  • But while this is my passion and I have devoted myself to it, I am not going to kill myself for it.
    虽然我热爱并投身于我的工作, 但我不会为工作玩命。
  • I fall back dazzled at beholding myself all rosy red,/ At having,I myself,caused the sun to rise.
    盯着玫瑰红色的我自己,我后退,感到眩晕/ 此时,我让太阳升起。
  • The Foundation enabled me to get out of myself and to somehow be concerned with other people than myself.
    基金会使我可以抽身出来, 可以关心别人多过自己。
  • I accustom myself to the smile coagulated into the mirror just likes the moon belongs to deep autumn, enjoy myself.
  • Each previous retreat, I always wanted something for myself but I had not tried offering myself for the benefit of others.
    每次参加打禅, 总是想自己要些什么, 却不曾试著为大众奉献。




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