• 单词发音:英 [ pliːz ] 美 [ pliːz ]
  • 基本解释: 请;请务必;谢谢
  • please 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 语气词(int.)
  • 语气词(int.) 请务必
  • 语气词(int.) 谢谢
  • 动词(v.) 使高兴
  • 动词(v.) 选择
  • please 词态变化: 第三人称单数: pleases过去式: pleased过去分词: pleased现在分词: pleasing


  • pleased 高兴的
  • pleases (使…)高兴( please的第三人称单数 )
  • displease 使生气,使不愉快
  • overplease 使过分高兴
  • displeased 不开心的,生气的,被得罪了的
  • displeases 冒犯,使生气,使不愉快( displease的第三人称单数 )
  • timepleaser <废>趋炎附势者,随波逐流者


please 相关例句更多>

  • Please, please. please, dr. grey.
  • Please? Please? Please? It's not fair!
  • Well, so okay, but please, please, but please.
    好了 但是 请注意
  • If you no longer abhor me, please, please, hide me.
    如果你不再讨厌我, 请让我在此躲避些时日, 拜托了。
  • Belle No, no! Please! Please! Please dont leave me! I love you!
    贝莉不, 不!求你, 求你别离开我!我爱你啊!
  • If you get this message, And please, please get this message. you need to abort.
    如果你听到留言 一定要听留言啊,计划终止。
  • Please lie down on the bed, loosen your belt, please. Let the doctor examine you abdomen.
    请躺在床上, 松开腰带, 让医生检查您的腹部。
  • If the shutter exists, please close the shutter. Please adhere the label to the aperture.
    如存在遮光机构, 请关闭遮机构。粘贴标签。
  • Please cherish public surroundings. Please not throw wastepaper in random. Please not spit everywhere.
    爱护公共环境, 请勿乱丢纸屑, 随地吐痰。
  • Please agitate, wind! Please roar, thunder! Please flash, lightning! Destroy everything that is asleep in darkness. Destroy, destroy, destroy, destroy it!





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