• 单词发音:英 [ pul əˈwei frɔm ] 美 [ pʊl əˈwe frʌm ]
  • 基本解释:越来越领先于(某人或某物)
  • pull away from 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 越来越领先于(某人或某物)

pull away from 相关例句更多>

  • She broke away from the magnetic pull of his eyes.
  • Pull the leading edge of the paper away from the cutter.
  • Pull guide rails between the camshafts away from the threaded pegs.
  • Tighten the muscles of the right finger and try to pull it away from the knuckle.
  • Slowly pull seal away from flange around edge of glass openinRemove it from vehicle.
    沿着玻璃开口边的凸缘, 慢慢地拉去封条。将其车辆上拆去。
  • Buttonhole not securely caught in fabric causing stitching to pull away from fabric.
  • Pull the power mirror switch away from the trim panel far enough to access the wire harness connector.
    从装饰板拉电动视镜开关足够远, 找到线束接头。
  • Hold the ventricular catheter in place securely and pull any slack on the catheter away from the incision side.
    牢牢握住脑室导管, 将多余的导管拉离从切口端。




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