• 单词发音:英 [ fruːt stænd ] 美 [ fruːt stænd ]
  • 基本解释:小水果摊,水果店
  • fruit stand 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 小水果摊,水果店

fruit stand 相关例句更多>

  • Fruit trees cannot stand the cold.
  • Am I the only sour cherry on the fruit stand, right
    我是唯一只有酸樱桃的 水果摊,对吧
  • Am I'm the only sour cherry on the fruIt'stand, right
    现在我是一个只有酸樱桃得 水果摊, 对吧
  • Carlie and Steve are buying some fruit at a fruIt'stand.
    卡莉和史提夫在? ? 摊? ? 果。
  • I just bought one kilo of Chinese white pears at a fruit stand.
  • I just bought two kilos of Chinese white pears at a fruIt stand.
    我刚在 水果摊 儿上买了2斤白梨。
  • She stopped at a fruit stand on the side of the street and bought some fruits.
  • Studies on Technique for Suitable Density Control of Pinus koraiensis Stand Used for Fruit and Wood




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