• 单词发音:英 [ faɪnd aʊt ] 美 [ faɪnd aʊt ]
  • 基本解释:发现;使发作;使受惩罚;通过探询[访问]获悉(某人)不在
  • find out 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 发现
  • 使发作
  • 使受惩罚
  • 通过探询[访问]获悉(某人)不在

find out 相关例句更多>

  • How did you find me? When did you find out?
  • Find out how to stay out of trouble with your card.
  • I'll find out what's going on and find a way to participate.
  • and try to get out of these capillary and find out what's going on.
  • The way to find the real boss is to find out who hires the lawyers.
  • The hospital is carrying out tests to find out what's wrong with my brother.
  • Besides, if shes really the slut that youre making her out to be, hell find out.
    此外, 如果她确实是那种你认为的荡妇, 他会发现的。
  • Well, I can think of a way where we could find out. And we can find out right now.
    呃,我有一种方法能知道那是否有线索 现在我就去寻找。
  • Become a Master Chef, and find out just how hard it is to find the ingredients for food!
  • Are those flags really needed To find out, hold a pencil up in front of you and block out the flaps.
    要寻找答案, 拿根铅笔在面前屏蔽掉这些旗。

find out的近反义词




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