• 单词发音:英 [ teɪk ɒn ] 美 [ teɪk ɑːn ]
  • 基本解释:承担;呈现;雇用;录用
  • take on 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 承担
  • 呈现
  • 雇用
  • 录用

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  • Come on!Jeff, be a man and take on his challenge.
    来吧!杰夫, 像个男人样, 去接受他的挑战。
  • Come on! Jeff, be a man and take on his challenge.
  • I'm not afraid to take on a challenge. I'm not afraid to take a step.
    我并不害怕接受挑战, 我并不害怕迈出这一步。
  • They take on new assignments like high school kids on their first blind date.
  • Liverpool travel to the Reebok Stadium on Sunday to take on Bolton Wanderers.
  • In accordance with the ideals of humanism, consciously take on Hamlet revamp our obligations.
    按照人文主义理想, 哈姆莱特自觉地担负起重整乾坤的义务。
  • Take on your bosss unpleasant tasks, Volunteer to take on the nasty tasks that annoy your boss.
  • that the pressure on you is not that easy to take on the biggest sovereign, organizations in the world.
    你身上的压力也不轻 承担着世界上最大的独立主权组织
  • To take on anything, one must first be able to let go. One is truly free who can take on and let go of anything in peace.
  • "Mr. Powell finds it easier to take it out of mothers, children and sick people than to take on this vast industry," Mr. Brown commented icily.

take on的近反义词




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