• 单词发音:英 [ tu: biˈɡin wið ] 美 [ tu ˈbeɡɪn wɪð ]
  • 基本解释:首先,起初
  • to begin with 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 首先,起初

to begin with 相关例句更多>

  • I liked it in America to begin with.
  • They abandoned you because you weren't all that nice to begin with.
    她们疏远你,是因为 你从一开始就不好相处。
  • To begin with, he accused of a certain levity in regard to the gods.
    首先, 有人指责说, 他对待诸神略显轻浮并偷走了他们的秘密。
  • To begin with, income taxes cut the gross amount by more than a third.
  • To begin with, it's going to be a society that's way in advance of our own.
  • He was anointed princeps; the Roman empire is said to begin with his accession.
  • To begin with, it was an anecdote he shared only with friends or new acquaintances.
  • To begin with, the discharge characteristics in EDM Milling with wire electrode have been analyzed.
  • To begin with, we may say that the antiJapanese war is at once a war of attrition and a war of annihilation.
    我们首先可以说, 抗日战争是消耗战, 同时又是歼灭战。
  • Among a host of animals, why are only human beings reasonable? Because human beings have a treasure that other animals do not have, which is called sympathy. Sympathy is to make allowances for others with one's own heart. All mortals and civilization in the world begin with this.




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