• 单词发音:英 [ kæʃ in ] 美 [ kæʃ ɪn ]
  • 基本解释:兑换
  • cash in 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 兑换

包含cash in的单词更多>

  • Cashin [人名] [爱尔兰姓氏] 卡欣 McCashin的变体
  • cashing 兑现
  • cashpoint 自动提款机
  • cashiering 革除(军官)职务( cashier的现在分词 )
  • cashpoints 自动提款机( cashpoint的名词复数 )

包含cash in的短语更多>

cash in 相关例句更多>

  • She paid in cash, in bills of large denominations.
  • Let your darling cash in on a massage or breakfast in bed.
  • In charge of daily income and expenses of cash and cash in ba.
  • 'I went in and put all my cash in the Three-Mouth card game to bat.
  • Rental is to be paid in cash in RMB YUAN.THE LESSOR will make out receipt.
    租金以人民币支付, 甲方出具收据。
  • And partical cash in advance is often used in combination with other forms of payment.
    助词预付现款, 常用于结合其他形式的支付。
  • The Exploration of Wages Total Dynamic Payment Partly in Kind and Partly in Cash in Second College
  • The nation is awash in cash, in part the domestic counterpart of its trillion dollars of foreign exchange reserves.
    这个国家满是钱, 还有万亿美元外汇储备。
  • Robbers succeeded in getting away with the cash in 26 cases, resulting in a total loss of 330 million yen last year.
  • There was the fact that Terry had enlisted the services of a marketing agency in trying to cash in on his status in World Cup year.
    至少24人被困, 但确切数字不明, 该机构说。




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