• 基本解释:[电影]美国队长
  • Captain America 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [电影]美国队长

包含Captain America的短语更多>

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  • Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk.
    钢铁侠, 美国队长, 雷神, 绿巨人。
  • I think somebody should talk to her. I nominate you, Captain America.
    我只是在想, 该有人过去跟她说说话。
  • You're prepared to get the United States of America into this war all by yourself, are you, captain?
  • Young America's Captain, who had helped coach Team New Zealand to their 1995 victory, seemed a solid contender until his sloop's misfortune.
  • What is up with movie trailers these days? I just saw one for ‘Captain America’ and they basically showed the entire movie in 1 and a half minutes. So many spoilers!




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