• 基本解释:cryopreserved allograft veins 冷藏保存同种异体移植静脉
  • CAVS 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) cryopreserved allograft veins 冷藏保存同种异体移植静脉

CAVS 相关例句更多>

  • At age 34,that is not a trend the Cavs want Parker to continue.
  • Right now, that simply isn't something the Cavs areto deal with.
  • The Cavs plundered 18 steals, just two off the franchise record.
  • But with the Cavs positioned where they are, the talk has quieted.
    但是骑士的战绩摆在那里, 谣言就此平息了。
  • Gonna be a long regular season no matter how many games the Cavs win.
    不管骑士赢下多少场比赛, 这都是一个漫长的赛季。
  • The Cavs also have the best defensive team, with James taking charge on the defensive end.
    由于詹姆斯在防守端的贡献, 骑士队也有全联盟最好的防守。
  • Of the Eastern Conference playoff teams, only the Wizards and Cavs shoot a worse percentage.
    在进入季后赛的东部球队中, 只有奇才和骑士比他们低。
  • Expect the Cavs to make some noise in the playoffs, maybe even reaching the conference finals.
    不仅仅只是进入季后赛, 有可能会使骑士进军总决赛。




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