• 单词发音:英 [ kləuz tu: ] 美 [ kloz tu ]
  • 基本解释:离…近;与…关系密切;近乎;临近
  • close to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 离…近
  • 与…关系密切
  • 近乎
  • 临近

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  • We are so close to being able to do this.
  • to deliver a pitch so close to as to make the batter back away
  • In hindsight, though, I consider what I did to them that day close to abuse.
  • I'd hold them close to try to absorb some of the blissful sleep that I craved.
    我抱紧他们, 希望从他们身上吸取一点我渴望的宝贵睡眠。
  • pretty close to It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth
    这是个精明的估断, 或许相当接近事实
  • They rotate and accelerate electrons in their vicinity to close to the speed of light.
  • I'd like to live close to the beach and close to my office, but I can't have things both ways.
    我既想住在海边, 又想住在办公室附近, 但是没法两全。
  • He was obviously referring to April1997 when Cambodia was close to reach an agreement to join ASEAN.
  • Compared to being eagerly expecting to have, being calmly fearless to lase is more close to happiness.
    幸福, 不在于急切地期待拥有, 而在于从容地不惧失去。
  • According to the experiment, when the temperature gets close to absolute zero, the resistance of the electric conductor approaches zero.

close to的近反义词




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