• 基本解释:限制性资源
  • constrained resources 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 限制性资源

constrained resources 相关例句更多>

  • The project has been constrained by a lack of resources and skilled manpower.
  • However, the efforts of civil society have been constrained by a lack of financial resources.
    然而, 民间社会的努力仍因没有资金或财力不足受到限制。
  • Health systems are also overburdened, constrained by a lack of investment and resources, both human and material.
  • The African Union's efforts to make peace are constrained by a lack of human resources, material supplies and funding.
  • However, the newly elected local authorities are constrained by inadequate resources and an incomplete legal framework.
    然而, 新当选地方当局受制于资源不足和法律框架不完整。




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