• 单词发音:英 [ ˌɡærənˈti: taim ] 美 [ ˌɡærənˈti taɪm ]
  • 基本解释:保修期限
  • guarantee time 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 保修期限

guarantee time 相关例句更多>

  • Please guarantee dispatch in time to reach us by the end of this month.
    请贵方保证能及时交货, 使我们于本月底收到。
  • Charterers guarantee vsl can safely get and always afloat at any time of tide.
  • Supply spares on time and guarantee customer trouble free operation of machine.
  • Every day I go to work on time to guarantee the proper operation of the front desk.
    我每天按时上班, 以保证前台工做的成功进止。
  • The UPS worldwide Guarantee ensures documents and packages arrive time, every time.
  • Achieve cost down target of product materials, and guarantee suppliers to deliver in time.
    完成公司产品的原材料降本目标, 并确保供应商能按时供货。
  • The whole world can guarantee only each time delivers identical color number cotton thread achromatism.
  • Keeping breath with time, making effort to guarantee Six Great Engineering and promote Five Big Changes
  • At the same time, whether to respect and guarantee freedom is an important standard to adjudicate the law.
  • At the same time, will guarantee recommends system's consummation also to impel to approve the system to the registration system transformation.




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