• 基本解释:好几百,许许多多
  • hundreds of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 好几百,许许多多

包含hundreds of的短语更多>

hundreds of 相关例句更多>

  • Hundreds of thousands of citizens are grieving over the death of this popular artist.
  • Hundreds of thousands of tons of food aid arriving from Western countries and charitable organizations.
  • She lived when the earth it of hundreds of millions of shimmering whit heart, and her soulful attachment!
  • They looked out and saw hundreds and hundreds of animals rushing towards their house! They were astonished.
  • Taxpayers are paying hundreds of millions of pounds a year for the retirement packages of an army of EU pen-
  • Hundreds of affluent passengers are on board for the gala celebration of the rechristening of the prize liner.
    一豪华邮轮举行下水礼, 冠盖云集。
  • For those hundreds of millions of people in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, levels of living seemed not to stagnate.
  • The government claims this is the only way to staunch the annual flow to Germany of hundreds of thousands of refugees.
  • It is one of hundreds of ad hoc paranormal groups that together comprise many tens of thousands of members in North America.
  • Near the end of October, 1999, Nissan, Japan's second largest carmaker, announced that it would shut five plants, cut ties to hundreds of suppliers, and - gasp! - let go of 21,000 workers.




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