• 单词发音:英 [ weɪst ] 美 [ weɪst ]
  • 基本解释:腰,腰部;(衣服的)腰身;船腰;(女人,小孩子的)背心
  • waist 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 腰,腰部
  • 名词(n.) (衣服的)腰身
  • 名词(n.) 船腰
  • 名词(n.) (女人,小孩子的)背心
  • waist 词态变化: 复数: waists



waist 相关例句更多>

  • Elasticated waist with side waist adjustment.
    腰部系松紧带, 可简易调整腰围大小与松紧
  • It has elastic waist, frontal waist tape and side waist tape.
    弹性腰围, 前腰贴, 侧腰贴施加。
  • It has frontal waist tape, side waist tape and elastic waist.
  • She girded her waist with a sash. She girded a sash round her waist.
    她以饰带束腰, 她把饰带束在腰上。
  • NATURAL WAIST Find the natural crease of your waist by bending to one side.
    腰围腰自然弯向一侧, 找到自然腰部位的一点。
  • Beam waist width and waist location of the complexargument coshGaussian beams.
  • Add shirring to back joint waist seam. Ensure shirring matches shirring along front waist seam.
  • Does not have outside the model the wound waist chronic muscle damage, is called the waist strain.
    无典型外伤口的腰部慢性筋肉损伤, 称为腰部劳损。
  • Nape to waist measure the center back from the nape to the waistline, also named as center of back waist length.
    腰直在后中线上从劲背点量至腰线的长度, 又名后中腰节长。
  • The external oblique abdominal muscles lie alongside the rectus abdominis to cover the remainder of the front of the waist, the sides of the waist, and part of the back waist.




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