• 单词发音:英 [ ʌn'beərəblɪ ] 美 [ ʌn'beərəblɪ ]
  • 基本解释:不能忍受地,无法容忍地;慌
  • unbearably 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 副词(adv.) 不能忍受地,无法容忍地
  • 副词(adv.)
  • unbearably 词态变化: 形容词: unbearable

unbearably 相关例句更多>

  • Until everything became unbearably heavy.
  • The atmosphere there is unbearably oppressive.
  • makes our lives seem unbearably grim in comparison.
    浪漫喜劇讓我們的生活 相對顯得慘不忍睹。
  • Moreover his varicose ulcer had begun itching unbearably.
    此外, 他的静脉曲张也开始痒了起来, 使人难熬。
  • The mahjong tiles blurred before her eyes. Her heart ached unbearably.
    牌在她得眼前晃动起来, 她得心痛得厉害。
  • Can drink a broth, can watch a movie, be biggest enjoy, unbearably happy.
  • I feel unbearably apologetic about being unable to do anything for that honest man.
  • I had a total beginners white belt and felt unbearably nervous the whole way through the class.
    我完全是一个白带新手, 整堂课上我都非常的紧张。
  • Boss is unbearably busy, but does not have the assistant who may entrust with an important task.
  • I suddenly detection oneself being unbearably vulgar, anyway and all wanted dead and money do what.
    我突然发现自己俗不可耐, 反正都要死了, 要钱做什么。




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