• 单词发音:英 [ ˈɔliv ɔil ] 美 [ ˈɑlɪv ɔɪl ]
  • 基本解释:橄榄油
  • olive oil 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 橄榄油
  • olive oil 词态变化: 复数: olive oils

olive oil 相关例句更多>

  • If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from ?
    如果橄榄油来自橄榄, 婴儿润肤油何处来自?
  • Add the olive oil in a saucepan, and heat the oil over medium heat.
    炒锅里加入橄榄油, 用中火加热。
  • Examples of monounsaturated fats are olive oil, sesame oil and peanut oil.
  • It doesn't matter whether it's olive oil, corn oil, or any other kind of oil.
  • Buy Olive, Kalamata Olives, Olive oil. It is an distributor and manufacturer.
    采购橄榄, 橄榄油。是一个经销商和生产商。
  • Pure olive oil is made by adding a little extra virgin olive oil to refined olive oil.
  • Olive oil is suffering from strong competition from cheaper varieties of vegetable oil.
  • You have on your left an olive oil droplet, and this olive oil droplet gets attacked by enzymes.
    在你的左边 是一滴橄榄油,这种橄榄油会被酶类攻击。
  • They also brought spices and olive oil for the light and for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense.
    又拿香料做香, 拿油点灯, 做膏油。
  • High color depth of olive oil acid value, acid value is greater than 3, thickens and oil odor with a pungent, unfit for human consumption.




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