• 单词发音:英 [ 'wɪndəu stɔp ]
  • 基本解释:窗户停了
  • window stop 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 窗内侧挡条
  • 及物动词(vt.) (cut back) 逐步减少
  • 及物动词(vt.) [+firm] 停业
  • 及物动词(vt.) 结束
  • 及物动词(vt.) (tease) 哄骗
  • 及物动词(vt.) (annoy) 烦扰
  • 不及物动词(vi.) 告终

window stop 相关例句更多>

  • Stop looking across at the window, he won't come.
    不用往窗外看了, 他不会来了。
  • Prior to departure, his next stop in her window for a whole night.
    临行前, 他在她窗下站了整整一夜。
  • Please concentrate on your typing, Miss Brown, and stop looking out of the window!
  • Closed curtains and blinds will help stop broken window glass from falling on beds.
  • The physical stop which corresponds to the entrance window is then the required field stop.
  • As the pattering rain gradually came to a stop, a glimmer of light filtered through the window curtain.
    雨声渐渐得住了, 窗帘后隐隐得透进清光来。
  • The sound of the rain outside the window is becoming louder and there is no sign indicating it will stop.




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