• 单词发音:英 [ ˈstjuːdənts ] 美 [ ˈstudənts ]
  • 基本解释:学生,大学生( student的名词复数 );研究者;中学生
  • students 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 学生,大学生( student的名词复数 )
  • 名词(n.) 研究者
  • 名词(n.) 中学生


students 相关例句更多>

  • Psych students are actually. STUDENTS only mar.
  • The students whose study achievement is in low and middle level are called poor students.
  • It is an advanced lesson for graduate students and the students attending an advanced study.
  • Other serveice services the Army also except accept foreign students students at their academies.
  • There are 3 doctorial graduate students, 22 master graduate students and 99 undergraduate college students.
  • Both parties provide accommodation for exchange students with each other, other expense by students themselves.
    两校各方为对方留学生提供住宿, 其他费用自理。
  • Special consideration may be extended to students with recommendation wardens, Dean of Students or academic staff.
    舍监, 辅导长或教职员推荐, 另作特殊情况考虑。
  • Students are advised to register with a GP nearby.Student Life Campus social life revolves around the Students Union.
    学校有许多运动俱乐部, 是英国大学运动协会的一员。
  • We think it will be benefit to teach students in accordance with their aptitude to assign the class according to the students aptitude.
    我们认为按水平分班, 更便于教师因材施教。
  • Teachers should personally do what they've asked students to do, learn what they've asked students to learn, and follow regulations which they've asked students to follow.




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