• 单词发音:英 [ ɪɡˈzæspəreɪt ] 美 [ ɪɡˈzæspəreɪt ]
  • 基本解释:使恼怒;使恶化;使加剧
  • exasperate 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 及物动词(vt.) 使恼怒
  • 及物动词(vt.) 使恶化
  • 及物动词(vt.) 使加剧
  • exasperate 词态变化: 第三人称单数: exasperates过去式: exasperated过去分词: exasperated现在分词: exasperating名词: exasperation


exasperate 相关例句更多>

  • To Enrage or exasperate someone is to write an abusive personal attack.
  • So can all sink not to live to exasperate for several annuals, those small youth men, .
    这么多年, 那些小后生们, 可都沉不住气了。
  • exasperate The girl was extremely exasperated at her boyfriends forgetting her birthday.
  • Just above it, not absolutely on it because the water pressure could exasperate the skin.
  • If encounter passenger flow rush hour and holiday, criterion traffic situation is more exasperate.
  • We think, receivable Zhang money can be in shortterm inside get bigger improvement, and wont exasperate.
    我们认为, 应收账款会在短期内得到较大改善, 而不会恶化。
  • Notable is, avoid by all means of dark sore patient makes up, can make dark sore exasperate only otherwise.
    此外, 运动后切忌马上使用面膜, 应待肌肤状况平稳后再敷。
  • Common Equilibrium Analysis of the Exasperate Terms of Trade and the Choice of Comparative Advantage Strategy of China.
  • Hidebound be ignored for a long time, final meeting appears the state with exasperate affection of the primary affection.
    营养不良长期被忽视, 最终会出现原发病情恶化的状况。
  • Dan Refa gives birth to the reaction that discharge different to be able to make transplanting kidney function exasperate, need is stopped gravid.





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