• 单词发音:英 [ ˈfreɪɡrəns ] 美 [ ˈfreɪɡrəns ]
  • 基本解释:芳香,芬芳;浓馥,香气;香水,常用于广告语
  • fragrance 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 芳香,芬芳
  • 名词(n.) 浓馥,香气
  • 名词(n.) 香水,常用于广告语
  • fragrance 词态变化: 复数: fragrances


  • fragrances 芳香,香味( fragrance的名词复数 )

fragrance 相关例句更多>

  • The breathing natural cheese fragrance, can be assort with egg fragrance.
    做好实验室化学品的分类管理, 安全标识
  • Peach aldehyde has wonderful like iris sweet fragrance fat, a peach dilute fragrance.
  • Natural fresh fragrance of a flower, keeps an incense enduring, fragrance is pleasant!
    清新自然的花香, 留香持久, 香气宜人!
  • Special orchid fragrance, keep fragrance lasting, distributes elegant breath enduringly.
    特别的兰花香气, 留香持久, 时刻散发优雅气息。
  • Special fresh aloes fragrance, keeps fragrance enduring, delight body and have well feeling.
  • The special tea plant fragrance, with delicate fragrance, make you feeling with full of energy.
  • This UNISEX Fragrance, a Sheer Floral Musk, was created in collaboration with Gabriela Chelariu of Fragrance Resources.
    这不分男女的香味, 一陡峭花的麝香被在有。
  • Hides the surface fragrance with Austria peucedamum politics plant's and so on cushion fragrance and smelly peucedamum seeds.
  • Appreciate this money work, the costly peony of Yong Rong in full bloom, fragrance of a flower rich, fragrance overflows person.
  • When the petals fall from the flowers, A little faint fragrance still remains. The fragrance fades after wind and rain, But nobody has come here to smell it.





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