• 单词发音:英 [ frəm ] 美 [ frəm ]
  • 基本解释:(表示时间)从…;(表示原因)因为;(表示来源)来自…;(表示分离)与…分离[隔开]
  • from 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 介词(prep.) (表示时间)从…
  • 介词(prep.) (表示原因)因为
  • 介词(prep.) (表示来源)来自…
  • 介词(prep.) (表示分离)与…分离[隔开]
  • from 大小写变形: FROM



from 相关例句更多>

  • They should be expelled from the Party, from the army and from public employment.
    党籍, 军籍, 公职都应该开除。
  • Well, we collect data from satellites, from airplanes, from ground vehicles, from people.
    我们通过卫星,飞机 地面车辆和人来采集数据。
  • The kangaroo comes from Australia, the polar bear from the Aretic, and the wolf from Europe.
    袋鼠来自澳大利亚, 北极熊来自北极, 狼来自欧洲。
  • From Judah will come the cornerstone, from him the tent peg, from him the battle bow, from him every ruler.
  • Use of Wastewater from Nitrogen Fertilizer Production for Coal Ash Rinsing from Boiler and Dust Removal from Flue
  • Jackets are being made from discarded plastic bottles, briefcases from worn-out tires and belts from beer-bottle caps.
  • All things will change from void to existence, from emptiness to fullness, from birth to death, being deceitful and untrue.
    一切事相随时变迁幻化起起灭灭, 是虚假不真实的。
  • About 50 meters away from the center plaza,2.5 Kilometers from railway station and 20 kilometers from Liangjiang International Airport.
  • The funds for the evening schools come from the public revenue from superstition, from ancestral temple funds, and from other idle public funds or property.
  • And these projects are not backed by billions of dollars in advertising, but they've found support really from the people, from private individuals like you and I from all over the world.





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