• 基本解释:back-pressure control 反压控制;book prices current 现行书价;book and periodical circulation 图书与期刊发行量;beach patrol craft 海滩巡逻飞机
  • bpc 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) back-pressure control 反压控制
  • 缩写词(abbr.) book prices current 现行书价
  • 缩写词(abbr.) book and periodical circulation 图书与期刊发行量
  • 缩写词(abbr.) beach patrol craft 海滩巡逻飞机
  • bpc 大小写变形: BPC


  • BPC British Pharmaceutical Codex 英国药物处方书
  • BPCC bilateral percutaneous cervical cordotomy 双侧经皮颈背根脊髓丘脑外侧束切断术
  • BPCF Band-Pass Crystal Filter 带通晶体滤波器
  • BPCI Bulk Packaging and Containerization Institute <美国>大容量包装与集装箱化研究所
  • BPCO British Petroleum Company 英国石油公司
  • BPCR Brakes on Pedal Cycle Regulations 脚踏车制动器规则
  • bpcd barrels per calendar day 每历日桶数,桶/日历天(指产油量)
  • bpcu bus power-control unit 公共汽车动力控制单位
  • BPCU bus power control unit 总线功率控制器

bpc 相关例句更多>

  • One of the more difficult processes is the manufacture a sterile BPC.
  • Some manufacturers list the specific solvent for each BPC and intermediate.
  • However, it is likely that computer systems will be associated with BPC production.
  • Typically, however, ethylene oxide does not penetrate the BPC in this powdered form.




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