• 单词发音:英 [ əˈpelənt ] 美 [ əˈpɛlənt ]
  • 基本解释:n.上诉人;adj.上诉的
  • appellant 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 上诉人
  • appellant 词态变化: 复数: appellants


  • appellants 上诉人( appellant的名词复数 )

appellant 相关例句更多>

  • anonymous accusation appeal appear appellant.
  • There are no more than three administrative appeal representatives for each administrative appellant and intervenor appellant.
  • Article32 An administrative appellant or intervenor appellant might have authorized the representative to conduct administrative appeal.
  • Article 60 The administrative appellant may withdraw the administrative appeal before the administrative appeal decision has been served.
    第60条诉愿提起后, 于决定书送达前, 诉愿人得撤回之。
  • The respondent was of the view that the appellant, the appellant infringement is justified, the decision is correct, should be maintained.
    被上诉人答辩认为, 上诉人侵权成立, 原判正确, 应当维持。
  • Article68 The administrative appellant or intervenor appellant may present the documentary evidence or other evidence during the procedure.
  • Article 36 While there are more than one administrative appeal representatives, each one might represent the administrative appellant independently.
    第36条诉愿代理人有二人以上者, 均得单独代理诉愿人。
  • The agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal to inquire the administrative appellant or the agency which the administrative action was made.
  • However, service might have made to the administrative appellant or intervenor appellant, while the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal deemed necessary.
  • The agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal shall investigate evidence based according to the application of an administrative appellant or intervenor appellant.




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