• 单词发音:英 [ bɪˈkeɪm ] 美 [ bɪˈkem ]
  • 基本解释: vbl.变得
  • became 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 变为,成为( become的过去式 )


became 相关例句更多>

  • It became a transaction for me, became sort of a trade.
    它变成了我的一个转折点 变成了一种交易
  • Two mice became horses and one mouse became the driver.
    两只老鼠变成了马匹, 一只变成了马夫。
  • One became your guilding star, the other became your sun.
    一个成为引领你的晨星, 一个是你的太阳。
  • She became a cripple,and I don't know what became of her.
  • Stocks became the focus and technology became the reason.
    像所有的狂热一样, 它需要个焦点和解释。
  • The going became more difficult as the rain became heavier.
  • I became a collegiate athlete , you know. I became an Olympic athlete.
    我先是成了大学生运动员, 然后是奥运会运动员。
  • And the sun became black as haircloth, and all the moon became as blood.
  • The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy.
    他就昌大, 日增月盛, 成了大富户。
  • Eventually, her body became so suffused with alien power that she became one of them.




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