• 基本解释:calcium silicate brick 硅酸钙转;chemical stimulation (of the brain) (脑部)化学刺激;concrete splash block 泼混凝土的石块
  • csb 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) calcium silicate brick 硅酸钙转
  • 缩写词(abbr.) chemical stimulation (of the brain) (脑部)化学刺激
  • 缩写词(abbr.) concrete splash block 泼混凝土的石块
  • csb 大小写变形: CsbCSB


  • Csb Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡
  • CSB chemical stimulation of the brain 脑化学刺激(作用)
  • ACSB American College of Surgeons Bulletin 美国外科医师学会通报
  • CCSB [计]= Computer and Communications Standards Board,计算机与通信标准局
  • CSBs Canada Savings Bonds 加拿大储蓄保证金
  • CSBS [医][=contaminated small bowel syndrome]小肠(细菌)污染综合征
  • csbs course-setting bomb sight 设置路线的投弹瞄准器
  • AACSB American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business 美国工商管理学院联合会
  • CICSB Coalition of Indian-Controlled School Boards 印第安人控制的学校委员会联合体

csb 相关例句更多>

  • Needless to say, we will continue to collaborate with the CSB.
  • It is traditionally fermented by Jiaotou, which is the starter culture of CSB.




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