• 单词发音:英 [ ˈgru:əl ] 美 [ ˈɡruəl ]
  • 基本解释:燕麦粥 ;稀粥
  • gruel 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 燕麦粥
  • 名词(n.) 稀粥


gruel 相关例句更多>

  • But can we agree that this is pretty thin gruel.
  • Such rice gruel is like alcohol.Everyone has a different capacity for it
  • Later, when he was recovering, she made him appetising cups of beeftea or gruel.
    后来他病好, 又拿牛肉茶或是燕麦粥给他开胃。
  • Smelling including blackberry and gruel also mix with Shriz, plum and anise flavors.
  • If eat the gruel for the povertystricken person, that accumulates virtue for oneself even more.
    如果把粥送给穷苦的人吃, 那更是为自己积德。
  • Application of Medicined Gruel in the Adjuvant Therapy for Elderly Hypertension and Hyperlipemia
  • Yoda was leaning against the wall, apparently unhurt with a bowl of gruel tipped upside down on his head.
    尤达斜靠在墙上, 一碗麦片粥不偏不倚正倒扣在他的脑袋上。
  • With an effort the patient ate some gruel. or The patient forced himself to take a few mouthful of gruel.
  • Also has increases each kind of meats directly toward the gruel, may also enhance the gruel the nutritional value.
    还有就是直接往粥里添加各种肉类, 也可提高粥的营养价值。
  • First cook a gruel with the soybean, can add stock for cooking, the gruel roll behind again join sesame powder, salt seasoning.




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