• 单词发音:英 [ ˈfəʊmi ] 美 [ ˈfoʊmi ]
  • 基本解释:adj.全是泡沫的,泡沫的,起泡沫的
  • foamy 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 形容词(adj.) 全是泡沫的,泡沫的,起泡沫的

foamy 相关例句更多>

  • foamy adhesive.
  • Human foamy virusHuman foamy virus.
  • Activity Comparison and Mechanism of Two Promoters of Bovine Foamy Virus
  • Use in the bath or shower to create a foamy lather body. Rinse off thoroughly.
    于浸浴或淋浴时使用, 产生丰盈泡沫, 用后冲洗干净。
  • beat egg whites with salt and lemon juice over low speed until frothy and foamy.
  • Surf spreads a foamy swath over a black beach in Gomera in Spains Canary Islands.
    在西班牙的加那利群岛, 有被海浪冲刷出泡沫似的黑沙滩。
  • Beat the egg whites until foamy. Sprinkle in the remaining white sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.
    蛋白打成粗泡末状后, 洒入剩下的白砂糖, 搅打至硬性发泡。
  • The renal tubular cells appear foamy because of the accumulation of neutral fats and mucopolysaccharides.
  • Put the eggs white and sugar in a bowl then whip it together until very foamy, then mix gently with your sour cherry mix.
    将蛋白及糖搅拌至浓稠的泡沫状, 与酸樱桃酱混合
  • Set includes a 1.7 oz Eau de Toilette Spray, a 2.5 oz Foamy Body Polish, and a 2.5 oz Body Lotion in a signature gift box.
    此套装包括1。7盎司的喷雾, 2。5盎司泡沫洁面乳和2。5盎司洁面水。




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