• 单词发音:英 [ ˌhetərəˌsekʃʊ'ælətɪ ] 美 [ ˌhɛtəroˌsɛkʃuˈælɪti ]
  • 基本解释:n.异性恋,异性性欲 异性性行为
  • heterosexuality 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 异性恋,异性性欲,异性性行为

heterosexuality 相关例句更多>

  • What do you think caused your heterosexuality
  • If heterosexuality is normal, why are so many mental patients heterosexual ?
    如果异性恋正常, 为什么如此多的精神病人是异性恋者?
  • Do you think you may have turned to heterosexuality out of fear of rejection ?
    你是否认为你之所以变成异性恋, 是由于害怕受到拒绝?
  • Your heterosexuality doesnt offend me as long as you dont try to force it on me.
    只要你别把你的异性恋性欲强加给我, 它并不冒犯我。
  • Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase that you will grow out of?
  • The money so much a heterosexuality to feel again we beautiful man but have no courage.




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