• 基本解释:Central America Research Station <美>(DHS)中美洲研究站
  • CARS 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Central America Research Station <美>(DHS)中美洲研究站
  • CARS 大小写变形: CARscarsCarsCaRs


  • cars cable relay stations 电缆继电器站
  • CARs cellular accumulation ratios 细胞积累比例
  • Cars [电影]汽车总动员
  • CaRs cation-sensing receptors 阳离子感觉感受器
  • carse <苏格兰>(河边的)冲积平原
  • SCARS software configuration accounting and reporting system 软件配置统计与报告系统
  • carsey <英俚>厕所
  • carsick 晕车
  • carsickness 晕车


CARS 相关例句更多>

  • We have economy cars and full-size cars available.
  • Italian cars are for admiring, German cars are for driving.
    意大利车给你的是别人的赞美, 德国车给你的是驾驶的快乐。
  • Stock cars carry animals and freight cars transport bulk goods.
    装动物的有专用动物运输车, 装其它货品的叫货车。
  • Slot cars or model racing cars is a great hobby that can be enjoyed several ways.
  • None of the cars, none of the cars in our least expensive car category broke the law.
    而在我们的廉价车系里 没有一辆车 做出违法行为
  • franchise import original secondhand cars, stock cars, Valet ordering new, used cars.
    专营进口原装二手车, 库存车, 代客订购新, 旧车。
  • We have made a model of the new type of cars, and we have decided to market the cars using the model.
  • Because of the heavy frost, there are several cars hitting the bottom of cars in front of them on the expressway.
  • Stephen Odell, CEO of Volvo Cars, added, The Volvo management team fully endorses Fords sale of Volvo Cars to Geely.
  • The products have application in all kinds of saloon car, passenger car, and trucks for American cars, Euro cars and Japanese cars.




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