• 基本解释:身躯巨大笨重的人( hulk的名词复数 );旧船或废船的船体
  • hulks 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 身躯巨大笨重的人( hulk的名词复数 )
  • 名词(n.) 旧船或废船的船体

hulks 相关例句更多>

  • Now, the Hulks has got its gentleman again, through me.
  • So I broke the needle. And made a needle look like The Hulks broken it.
    我把针眼打开了, 让它看上去像是被绿巨人撑开的。
  • Unemployment has soared as the hulks of fishing boats rust away on the salt-encrusted seabed.
  • The muscle bound football players and hulks which lurk the halls of Moeller are quite a sight to see.
    要知道, 默乐高中素有高年级同学欺负新生的传统。




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