• 单词发音:英 [ haɪd ] 美 [ haɪd ]
  • 基本解释:[人名] 海德
  • Hide 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [人名] 海德
  • Hide 大小写变形: hideHIDE


  • hide 把…藏起来
  • HIDE high-absorption integrated defence EMW system 高吸收性综合防御电磁战系统
  • chide 责骂,斥责
  • hides 兽皮( hide的名词复数 )
  • chides 责骂,责备( chide的第三人称单数 )
  • chided chide的过去式和过去分词
  • hideaway 隐避处
  • raphides 针晶体( raphide的名词复数 )
  • cowhides 牛皮( cowhide的名词复数 )


Hide 相关例句更多>

  • You can never scare a dog away from a greasy hide.
  • To hide a fault with a lie is to replace a Blot by a hole.
    用谎言掩盖错误, 等于挖一个洞除掉污渍。
  • To hide a fault with a lie is to replace a bolt by a hole.
  • A scrunt will hide unless he cannot hide in his environment.
  • A fox cannot hide its tail. or The devil cant hide his cloven hoof.
  • To hide a fault with a lie is to replair conditioning unite a blot by a hole.
    用假话掩盖错误, 等于挖一个洞除掉污渍。
  • The processes of manufacturing imitated cow hide furniture leather with buffalo hide was studied.
  • Keep me as the apple of an eye Hide me under the shadow of thy wings Keep me as the apple of an eye Hide me, hide me, hide me
  • Nine inborn vitalities hide around elephant to fly to soon revolve, the light is dizzy to change Huan, hide an elephant tiny rock.
    九道先天精气围着藏象飞速旋转, 光晕变幻间, 藏象微微晃动。
  • Split the hide from the dewclaws down the leg to the hock and over the rear of the round to a point about 6 inches below the hock and remove the hide from each hind leg.




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