• 单词发音:英 [ dɪ'le ]
  • 基本解释:(使)耽搁,延误( delay的第三人称单数 );推迟;使延期;使延迟
  • delays 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) (使)耽搁,延误( delay的第三人称单数 )
  • 动词(v.) 推迟
  • 动词(v.) 使延期
  • 动词(v.) 使延迟

delays 相关例句更多>

  • Sometimes delays are due to the absence of complainants or witnesses.
  • Patients no longer accept delays, second rate options, or poor service.
  • We have been slow in doing many things. We can't afford further delays.
    我们有好多事情就是做得比较晚, 现在耽误不得。
  • Each day can be filled with aggravations, delays, disappointments and frustrations.
  • If one delays cutting till an advanced state of maturity, aftermath growth will be slow.
    如果等到成熟后期再收割, 以后的牧草生长将变得缓慢。
  • You can expect to experience delays or additional red tape if you deal with institutions.
  • Namely delays until the abdomen, the back, the pate by the lower limb upward trough to reach extends.
  • Otherwise, the result of undue delays in the treatment of medication, natural does not achieve good results.
  • The delay distribution diagrams with added delays cater for the evaluation of punctuality or on time running.
    延迟分配图添加延迟的评价, 对时间流动的。
  • First, delays the gastrointestinal tract absorption to turn grapes to snatch, causes Ni Houxue the box rises slow.
    一是延缓胃肠道吸收翻萄抢, 使倪后血箱上升较缓。




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