- 单词发音:英 [ mɪks ] 美 [ mɪks ]
- 基本解释:[人名] 米克斯
- Mix 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- [人名] 米克斯
- Mix 大小写变形: mixMIX
Mix 相关例句更多>
- Add and mix thinner base first, the add liquid mix.
先将主剂与稀释剂混合, 在加入液。
- Mix vigorously until smooth. for optimum taste, mix in a blender.
直到。大力优化混合味道, 混合在果汁机。
- Mix egg whites and milk. Add seasoning and crab meat and mix well.
蛋白与鲜奶拌匀, 加入调味料与蟹肉拌匀。
- Put sesame paste in a bowl, mix 2 tbsp cool boiled water to mix well.
- Mix bean curd and dace with seasoning mix. Stir well and put on a deep serving plate.
制法1。将调味料加入豆腐及鲮鱼肉中, 拌匀后放入深碟内。
- Mix in sifted dry ingredients to butter mixture to form a dough. Add raisins and mix well.
- Method 1.Mix bean curd and dace with seasoning mix.Stir well and put on a deep serving plate.
做法1。将调味料加入豆腐及鲮鱼肉中, 拌匀后放入深碟内。
- Put the pancake mix into the large bowl. Dig a hole in the pancake mix with the mixing spoon.
- Mix apple pucker and Crown royal and fill with Apple cranberry juice. Mix well serve with ice.
混合苹果酒及威士忌酒, 加入苹果酸果蔓汁。
- Put the eggs white and sugar in a bowl then whip it together until very foamy, then mix gently with your sour cherry mix.
将蛋白及糖搅拌至浓稠的泡沫状, 与酸樱桃酱混合