• 基本解释:纳单位
  • nU 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 纳单位
  • nU 大小写变形: nuNuNU


  • num numeral 数的
  • nut 螺母,螺帽
  • Num [地名] [尼泊尔] 努姆
  • NUM National Union of Mineworkers (英国)全国矿工联盟
  • numb 麻木的
  • NuMA nuclear matrix antigen 核基质抗原
  • MANUF manufacture 制造
  • nudies nude films 裸体电影
  • emanuel 伊曼纽尔(亦作Emmanuel,Immanuel)(m.)
  • enumerate 列举,枚举,数


nU 相关例句更多>

  • Fe nu pa ki ad urba. She has just gone to town.
  • Li Ji was appointed as general for his betrayal of Lu Nu.
    黎寄也因出卖吕努有功, 被封为将军。
  • Nu Wa Fu virtually become Adam and Eve of the Chinese nation.
  • According to ancient Chinese legends, the goddess Nu wa created human beings.
  • The paper analyzes the technical conditions for the safe sailing of Vessel Sha Chong Nu.
  • According to one theory, Qi Xian Nu is the adored daughter of the Queen Mother of the West.
    说起来, 七仙女也是王母娘娘的爱女呢。
  • The beautiful women from antiquity she impersonates always call themselves"Nu Jia".
  • If you visit the River Nu, you will meet some Nu people who are good at both singing and dancing.
    如果你去怒江旅游, 就能看到能歌善舞的怒族人。
  • At the beginning, I strongly absence to flee north Nu and return to Yin dynasty to likewise waste.
  • Jett Lucas had a similar cameo appearance in Attack of the Clones, as the young Padawan that Jocasta Nu tends to during the library scene.
    在制片过程中, 角色的名字经过多次修改。




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